Golden three-dimensional human cartoon figure blowing into an oversized whistle attached to a neckloop while standing on a gavel pad with a gavel behind it.

This Week in Accessibility: People with Disabilities as Whistleblowers

Can people with disabilities sue as whistleblowers when government contractors fail to deliver accessible goods and services? The short answer appears to be yes. The phases of accessibility lawsuits as I see them: Phase 1: PwDs suing website owners (2006-current)…
Hand with car key hanging from index finger, green calculator with yellow toy car on it

This Week in Accessibility: Hertz v. Accenture

How a non-accessibility case could influence future accessibility litigation At its core (if you believe plaintiff Hertz) this lawsuit filed in New York federal court (SDNY) is about regular run-of-the-mill crappy software development, bad project management, broken promises, and a complete failure… website screen shot showing adaptive clothing for people with disabilities. Young man with missing arm, African American woman in electric wheelchair, young boy in wheelchair with girl with Down’s Syndrome standing next to him arm in arm. All wearing Tommy Adaptive clothing

Do your stock photo libraries have realistic scenes including people with disabilities?

Or are they #Diversish? Hint: It’s not just about the subject in the photo, it’s also about how the photos are staged If at least 10 % of your photos with people in them don’t have disabilities represented, you are clearly…
Open laptop with code on it and hands on the keyboard

You think there are no people with disabilities in IT? Think again.

Stack Overflow Survey of 90,000 participants shows a significant number of global developers self-identifying with disabilities When you think you are the the only person in a particular situation, it is always hard. The lack of representation is difficult in…

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