There are several questions you should be asking yourself before you make the leap My ex-boss (Jehad Affoneh, who recently moved from VMware Design to CDO of Splunk) did a very insightful series of tweets about things to ponder when contemplating moving from design…
All the Things You Shouldn’t Be Evaluating During Interviews
Traditional candidate evaluation advice can be biased and ableist. There are all kinds of advice on the Internet about things you should be evaluating when you conduct an interview. Very little advice exists on things that you should NOT be…
Accessibility certifications: separating what IS good from what just sounds good
Certification is: a standardized method with a formal process that individuals use to demonstrate that they are qualified at a specific level in particular knowledge or skills. Hiring managers use certifications to identify candidates that possess the skills the organization…
The Manager’s Practical Guide to Handling an Employee Newly Diagnosed With a Disability
Most disabilities are acquired, not congenital. Helping employees adjust to having a disability is not just a kindness; it is legally required. This is part 1 of a three-part series. Part two will be on the interactive process. This article…
All the reasons you might not have gotten that job
Many of which have nothing to do with you. I have spent some time over the last few months mentoring people finding themselves out of work courtesy of COVID. Some of them have applied to jobs at VMware; others are…
Types of discrimination women with disabilities face while looking for work
Women are 20 % more likely to have a disability than men. Workforce discrimination of any form impacts us more. Note: every “bad” HR behavior listed in this article, I have had personally happen to me, or heard about first-hand…
Job Hunting while Disabled
PwDs are 18 % of the population and 9.5 % of the workforce. Here’s how not to illegally jerk them around during the recruiting process. Note: every “bad” HR behavior listed in this article, I have had personally happen to…
Why Accessibility is a Good Career Choice for Women with Disabilities
20 % of PwDs have lost their traditionally lower-paying jobs as part of COVID closures. Why not start over and train for a higher paying job in accessibility? People with disabilities have always been on the outer fringe of employment.…
There is no such thing as “perfect” accessibility
Accessibility is a really bad place for perfectionists. Here’s why. You know, perfectionism. That “humble brag” that you throw out there when in an interview setting you are asked to identify your biggest fault? Oh, yeah, biggest fault. I’m a…
Disability inclusive workplaces
Most diversity / inclusion articles don’t include disability. Here are things you need to consider to succeed at disability-related inclusion HBR recently published an article called 5 Strategies for Creating an Inclusive Workspace. And while the article is brilliant for addressing…