We want to be spectators. Many of us want to be or are, participants. So why is it that we face so many freaking barriers? As a die-hard San Francisco Giants fan for more than four decades and compound archery 2024 Paralympic…
Applying Ted Lasso management lessons to accessibility
I am one of a jillion people anxiously awaiting season 3 of Ted Lasso. One of the reasons for its popularity is the life lessons it teaches on management and relationships through the lens of dramatic comedy (aka “dramady”). Here…
Do internet-only businesses come under the Americans with Disabilities Act?
In theory, absolutely. But it’s taking federal courts a while to get there. Meanwhile, Web3 is coming, and blockchain is already here. Authors note: Because of Medium’s refusal to address its accessibility issues for both authors and readers, I’ve moved my last…
Regaining your accessibility spark
All jobs have up and down cycles. Try these steps to get back on the upswing when you are on a down cycle in your accessibility journey. Authors note: Because of Medium’s refusal to address its accessibility issues for both authors…
Using plain language is essential for content accessibility
Using plain language is essential for content accessibility When writing for your audience, it’s essential to keep things simple at the lowest common denominator for your audience. If your audience is all Ph.D. candidates, language can be complex and require…
Phrases that you might not realize are ableist
Calling out ableist language is the first step to rehabilitating a disability non-inclusive environment. Ableism is a set of beliefs or practices that devalue and discriminate against people with physical, intellectual, or psychiatric disabilities and often rests on the assumption that…
Eight steps to a more inclusive event
Making events more accessible makes them more consumable and a better experience for all your participants. Part one of a two part article. Part two focuses on how to make PowerPoint presentations more accessible. A significant percentage of attendees at inclusive events…
Should you describe yourself and your location in remote meetings?
Absolutely, but there needs to be a balance between the right amount of data and Too Much Information (TMI). Once, I was on a panel with a moderator and four other individuals scheduled to last 45 minutes. The moderator for…
An accessibility review of the new Medium site
At the beginning of February, Medium launched a new format. I have highlighted Medium’s lack of concern over severe accessibility problems in a previous article and many LinkedIn posts and private messages to people who work for Medium. These issues entirely block…
Most of the 25 largest American universities spectacularly fail students with disabilities.
Ultimately this will prevent us from becoming a sustainable society. Under US Section 508, any project using federal money has to be accessible to people with disabilities. This rule is codified in 29 USC § 794 (d) and applies to developing, procuring, maintaining,…