If you want to be perceived as inclusive, you have to BE inclusive. Otherwise, your words and actions are merely performative. Let’s face it; Zoom meetings can be tedious. An entire business sector has popped up, focusing on making presentations…
Making PowerPoint decks more accessible
An essential component to maximizing remote participation by people with disabilities Part two of a two-part article. Part one focuses on how to optimize the video conference experience for the event. One of the lasting impacts of the pandemic is that business…
Eight steps to a more inclusive event
Making events more accessible makes them more consumable and a better experience for all your participants. Part one of a two part article. Part two focuses on how to make PowerPoint presentations more accessible. A significant percentage of attendees at inclusive events…
International Association of Accessibility Professionals (IAAP) position statement on overlays
Last fall, IAAP established an Overlay Task Force after increased concern from their membership about the activities of Overlay companies in the context of their membership in IAAP. Earlier this month, that task force presented a draft set of recommendations…
An accessibility review of the new Medium site
At the beginning of February, Medium launched a new format. I have highlighted Medium’s lack of concern over severe accessibility problems in a previous article and many LinkedIn posts and private messages to people who work for Medium. These issues entirely block…
Many accessibility problems would be solved if business did three things
Three adjustments to the way we do business could vastly improve the world for people with disabilities I’ll be honest, most of the time, when I do panels or talks on accessibility, I recycle a fair amount of old material.…
The four pillars of accessibility overlay marketing
Fear, Guilt, Inspiration Porn, and Pay to Play Accessibility overlays are tools that detect and dynamically repair HTML accessibility issues in non-mobile environments. And what accessibility manager or product owner WOULDN’T want a solution that does that? Write an annual…
What the Department of Justice / Rite AID settlement agreement means to designers
TL;DR — if you don’t pay close attention to accessibility, you are effectively committing professional malpractice. On November 1, 2021, the Department of Justice published a settlement agreement it entered into with the nationwide pharmacy chain Rite Aid specifically concerning the inability…
How to avoid Twitter’s latest accessibility mistakes
Good accessibility programs include things that go above and beyond just compliance with the WCAG guidelines In June of 2020, I wrote about Twitter’s attempt to rely entirely on volunteers for accessibility testing, culmunating in a public outcry over the release of…
Who tests the ADA testers?
ADA and digital accessibility litigation are full of claims filed by “testers.” How far should that be allowed to go? Testers are individuals who have no intention of ever buying the product or visiting the location the website revolves around.…