All jobs have up and down cycles. Try these steps to get back on the upswing when you are on a down cycle in your accessibility journey. Authors note: Because of Medium’s refusal to address its accessibility issues for both authors…
Why accessibility bugs are a good thing and how to handle them
Hint: “fix the bug” is probably the least important item on the list It is incredibly common when I do accessibility podcasts, I am asked, “what does accessibility success look like to you?” I, perhaps oddly, count beginning to get…
International Association of Accessibility Professionals (IAAP) position statement on overlays
Last fall, IAAP established an Overlay Task Force after increased concern from their membership about the activities of Overlay companies in the context of their membership in IAAP. Earlier this month, that task force presented a draft set of recommendations…
An accessibility review of the new Medium site
At the beginning of February, Medium launched a new format. I have highlighted Medium’s lack of concern over severe accessibility problems in a previous article and many LinkedIn posts and private messages to people who work for Medium. These issues entirely block…
Many accessibility problems would be solved if business did three things
Three adjustments to the way we do business could vastly improve the world for people with disabilities I’ll be honest, most of the time, when I do panels or talks on accessibility, I recycle a fair amount of old material.…
Why doing an instant ADA website compliance review is a terrible idea
TL;DR — you will get an inaccurate, incomplete, and biased report of your actual accessibility status, plus potentially create significant legal liability This article is not legal advice. This is a general opinion article and should not be relied upon…
The ADA lawsuit settlement involving an accessibility overlay
What the settlement agreement included, and what does it mean for the industry? Eyebobs’ is an online glasses company that was sued for not meeting accessibility requirements by a blind plaintiff in January 2021. “Accessibility” refers to whether or not…
The four pillars of accessibility overlay marketing
Fear, Guilt, Inspiration Porn, and Pay to Play Accessibility overlays are tools that detect and dynamically repair HTML accessibility issues in non-mobile environments. And what accessibility manager or product owner WOULDN’T want a solution that does that? Write an annual…
What the Department of Justice / Rite AID settlement agreement means to developers
TL;DR — if you don’t pay close attention to accessibility, you are effectively committing professional malpractice. On November 1, 2021, the Department of Justice published a settlement agreement it entered into with the nationwide pharmacy chain Rite Aid specifically concerning the inability…
Making chatbots accessible
Chatbots are everywhere online customer service is necessary. However, few are accessible to people with disabilities. Anything a company can shift from an employee to a computer saves them money. That is why many retail companies are now using chatbots…