Blurry image of man shown from the shoulders down holding a tablet with various types of digital symbols overlaid — mobile, cloud, email, electronic documents, servers, and networks.

How the focus on Digital Employee Experience is leaving out People with Disabilities

“Digital Experience” and “Digital Transformation” are rapidly trending titles on job boards. But what does that mean? And does the digital employee experience and digital transformation work for people with disabilities or leave them behind? James Robertson defined digital employee experience (#DEX) as…
Blurred background in black and white with people in an IT center, foreground is an icon of a building with the words “Credit Union” in white underneath

This Week in Accessibility: Griffin v. Dept. of Labor Credit Union

Another rare defendant’s victory, but really not substantially different than Diaz v. Kroger Serial plaintiffs in digital accessibility lawsuits tend to choose a subsection of potential defendants, then sue as many of them as they can. These are frequently referred to as…
Dark convoluted maze with cartoon person standing outside of the entrance

Want an employee who is a natural problem solver? Hire someone with a Disability

Employers should be seeking out employees with disabilities, not avoiding them. Why are problem solving skills desirable in business? The ability to troubleshoot or solve problems is really a collection of a number of other skills including: Decision Making: To solve…
A real dumpster fire (from which the term “dumpster fire” was coined)

How to identify a Toxic Accessibility Culture, and what you can do about it

A broken organizational culture makes everything disability-related harder, from implementing accessibility projects to getting critical support to move the disability / accessibility needle forward Urban dictionary defines “Dumpster Fire” as: 1. A complete disaster. 2. Something very difficult that nobody wants…
Cartoon human cutouts grouped under signs with the wheelchair symbol under them

The Importance of Disability Employee Resource Groups

Do you bring your “authentic self” to work? Most people with disabilities don’t, especially those with invisible disabilities. Disability ERGs can help with that. First-class relationships are possible only in an atmosphere of total trust. ― Wu Wei, I Ching Life: Becoming…