Difficult conversations about disability and birth defects

Prenatal testing is directly linked to the sharp decrease in congenital medical conditions around the developed world. Is that a good thing? TRIGGER WARNING: This article includes discussions about pregnancy termination. Any off-topic, rude, or religious-based comments will be deleted.…
Blurry image of man shown from the shoulders down holding a tablet with various types of digital symbols overlaid — mobile, cloud, email, electronic documents, servers, and networks.

How the focus on Digital Employee Experience is leaving out People with Disabilities

“Digital Experience” and “Digital Transformation” are rapidly trending titles on job boards. But what does that mean? And does the digital employee experience and digital transformation work for people with disabilities or leave them behind? James Robertson defined digital employee experience (#DEX) as…

Yes, I know you hate these dialogs. Me too. But you are here for a reason, which is probably to read one of my articles without having to pay for a Medium members. And I’m good with that. I'm just asking for your email so when my book is for sale (ETA Feb 2021) I can let everyone know.

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