A human hand reaching out being drowned in a sea of pages

This Week in Accessibility: What we can learn from the “WebAIM Million”

Summary of an accessibility analysis of the top 1,000,000 home pages This week being the syzygy of accessibility conferences, WebAIM took the opportunity to publish its accessibility analysis of the top one million web pages consisting of home pages from 730 unique top-level domains, .com (521,316), .org…
Two men in shadow, one arguing, the other hiding behind a file folder

This Week in Accessibility: Bartleson v. Miami-Dade County Public Schools

Disabled Employees suing Employers over Inaccessible Technology is the next logical evolutionary step in ADA / accessibility lawsuits Most people who work in accessibility by now are tired about hearing about the year over year (for the past 4 years)…
Architectural blueprint with several cartoon characters, construction equipment, and a partially built house

Behaviors to Achieve Accessibility Program Excellence

In a previous article, I highlighted activities that I think help people become good (or better) accessibility managers through improving their objective accessibility knowledge. While the activities identified in that article will provide individuals with a baseline of objective accessibility knowledge,…