Cartoon windmill in black with a Don Quixote like character on a horse with a spear charging towards it

Radical Candor about Accessibility Day-to-day Job Responsibilities

Some days you get to tilt windmills, some days the windmills tilt you So far in the category of “accessibility as a career”, I’ve written articles about: Self-study tips for qualifying to work in accessibility Questions managers should be asking if they…
Checklist with Yes and No Options, red pencil, X in “no” checkbox

Accessibility Checklists — Just say No

I am a Accessibility Manager with 15 years of experience. No more general A11Y Checklists, PLEASE !!! There are so many articles touting themselves as general “accessibility checklists” that I’ve literally lost track. Even respected organizations like W3Cand WebAIM have published them. WCAG 2.1…
A human hand reaching out being drowned in a sea of pages

This Week in Accessibility: What we can learn from the “WebAIM Million”

Summary of an accessibility analysis of the top 1,000,000 home pages This week being the syzygy of accessibility conferences, WebAIM took the opportunity to publish its accessibility analysis of the top one million web pages consisting of home pages from 730 unique top-level domains, .com (521,316), .org…