Not only is that wrong, that type of ignorance makes the person stating it look amazingly uninformed and biased against people with disabilities. I just read yet another article, this time quoting a New York state government official claiming “there…
This Week in Accessibility: Hertz v. Accenture
How a non-accessibility case could influence future accessibility litigation At its core (if you believe plaintiff Hertz) this lawsuit filed in New York federal court (SDNY) is about regular run-of-the-mill crappy software development, bad project management, broken promises, and a complete failure…
Stop doing “Walk Throughs” and Start doing “Roll Throughs”
Using a “growth mindset” to understand the point of view of someone with a disability may help you identify issues before there are complaints. There are two types of mindsets according to Dr. Carol Dweck. The first is a fixed…
Do your stock photo libraries have realistic scenes including people with disabilities?
Or are they #Diversish? Hint: It’s not just about the subject in the photo, it’s also about how the photos are staged If at least 10 % of your photos with people in them don’t have disabilities represented, you are clearly…
Businesses — Why using Wix and GoDaddy Increases your Lawsuit Risk
Wait, I can get sued for using Wix and GoDaddy?? What the Actual Heck?!?! Why yes. Yes, you can. In a heart beat. Here is a little background on how this story came into being. I’ve recently spent an absolutely mind…
Accessible Social Media
Including, not excluding, people with disabilities from social media platforms is not hard. But it does require attention to detail Social media is a very popular tool among people with disabilities to stay connected despite the fact that most social…
This Week in Accessibility: What we can learn from the “WebAIM Million”
Summary of an accessibility analysis of the top 1,000,000 home pages This week being the syzygy of accessibility conferences, WebAIM took the opportunity to publish its accessibility analysis of the top one million web pages consisting of home pages from 730 unique top-level domains, .com (521,316), .org…
User Research with People with Disabilities
I was really excited this week to be presenting at the #PacRim2019 conference on UX research involving people with disabilities, one of my favorite things to talk about. I will be giving the same talk with with my co-presenter David…
The “perilous pitfalls” of Accessibility Maturity
Several people pointed me to an article titled “How to Avoid the 24 Perilous Pitfalls of UX Maturity” from Human Factors International. There are a lot of parallels between this article and accessibility maturity with a few deviations. This article is…
Accessible New Years’ Resolutions — Touch Target Size
As previously promised, I am going to to a deep dive every month on implementing features associated with the new WCAG 2.1 AA guidelines. Last month’s discussion was on the deadline for implementing the new guidelines. This month’s deep dive is…