sticky notes on a piece of paper titled “Experience Brief” surrounded by design tools — pens, phone, paper, coffee cup

Addressing accessibility requirements in design briefs

Don’t produce a design document that includes a design implementation recipe without including accessibility details. Adesign brief is a description of a project and corresponding drawings (comps and wireframes, for example) created by a person or team in consultation with…
Black and white neon sign that says “No stupid people beyond this point”

Disability Microaggressions — AKA “Ableist things people say”

Yes, all of these have actually happened to me personally What is a microaggression? A microaggression is an indirect, subtle, possibly unintentional discrimination against members of a marginalized group. Usually these take the form of statements, actions, incidents, or exclusions. Being excluded from…
Dark convoluted maze with cartoon person standing outside of the entrance

Want an employee who is a natural problem solver? Hire someone with a Disability

Employers should be seeking out employees with disabilities, not avoiding them. Why are problem solving skills desirable in business? The ability to troubleshoot or solve problems is really a collection of a number of other skills including: Decision Making: To solve…